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I like the atmosphere a lot, but I don't agree with the design choice of letting the player fall into the pit again and don't have a way back

I played the game before reading anything and it was a kinda annoying experience (even figuring out how to show the cursor).

Ok, so I replayed your game:

The first and second challenges were all balanced, but then I discovered that you have to do an unnecessarily annoying jump (the first one) to continue the game. Then I got to the top and got killed.

I'd say maybe remove the arrows if a challenge is already completed, or maybe give the player a way out if they fall down there again. Not all people are going to continue playing if they are annoyed by something that's not their fault.


I only found one bug, you can complete the yellow room if you only collect the top relic

Overall I liked the visuals

(2 edits) (+1)

Thank you so much for the feedback! I will adjust the game to your suggestions. I see that indeed it can be very annoying and I didn't put it into consideration. If there's anymore suggestions that you might want to add, please do tell, as it can be a lesson for me.

Thank you for the advices as it is very important for me!